Today we’re talking all about your audience, and why it’s absolutely crucial that you know who they are! As I mentioned in my last blog post, it’s key that you make your brand irreplaceable, and you do that by knowing exactly who you are. But once you’ve got that down, what’s next? That’s where knowing […]
Who’s excited?! This month we’re talking all about brand strategy! All the blogs and my weekly emails are going to help you establish a solid strategy to launch your business into success! I’m going to be sharing extra tips & tricks only with my email list – so make sure you’re subscribed! Get on the list and you’ll get my […]
Once you have your solid foundation established (if you haven’t read part two of this series, you can check it out here!), you’re ready to create your visual identity! Your visual identity is your brand spirit and personality, mood board, colours, fonts, and logos. This is what I create for my clients in their brand guide […]
Establishing a solid foundation for your brand and business is the first step. Always. This is what everything else is going to build off of, so if you don’t have a solid foundation, you’re going to set yourself up for failure from the get-go. And obviously we don’t want that, we want to set you […]
I know that picking fonts for your brand and marketing materials can be tricky! How do you pick fonts that complement one another, but don’t overpower or compete with each other? I love this part of the branding process, working with my clients to choose fonts that bring to life their brand identity, and showcase […]
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