Who’s excited?! This month we’re talking all about brand strategy! All the blogs and my weekly emails are going to help you establish a solid strategy to launch your business into success! I’m going to be sharing extra tips & tricks only with my email list – so make sure you’re subscribed! Get on the list and you’ll get my Branding Blueprint too! ????
To kick things off, we’re chatting all about why making yourself irreplaceable in your brand and business is key!
If you don’t know who you are, I can guarantee your audience doesn’t know either, and that’s going to set you up for failure from the get go. You’re going to be easily replaceable by somebody who did take the time to connect with their audience, some of which are your potential clients.
If no one knows who you are, how are you planning on selling your services and being successful?
This is why you need to make yourself and your brand IRREPLACEABLE!
*cue Beyoncé song – haha cause I know you’re all thinking and humming it!*
So we’re going to channel our inner Beyoncé this week! We don’t want you having to say “You must not know about me”, because we want your audience to know exactly who you are, why they need you, and why you’re going to make their lives better!
Brand Strategy 101
A lot of people think of brand strategy and get really overwhelmed. I get it – it can be a lot. That’s why I’m going to give you the first few steps to get you started!
Get clear on who you are!
1 – Make a list of your core values.
2 – Think about what makes you different and unique.
3 – Write 3-5 words to describe you and your brand.

Sometimes you can read about a topic until the cows come home (haha I love that expression and Guido always makes fun of me for it!), but it can be so helpful to see some real-life examples.
So let’s see how these five incredible women have made themselves irreplaceable in their brands and businesses!
These women are entrepreneurial rockstars who also happen to be some of my closest friends! We started a mastermind in 2019 and have been cheering each other on all year! ????
They have different businesses, brands, and personalities – and have all made themselves irreplaceable in their brands – here’s how!

Courtney Chaal
As I write this, I’m actually working with Courtney to update her brand and visual identity – above is a sneak peek of her mood board! Courtney is fun, unapologetic, bold, and she helps her customers make a full-time income in their business through her program, Yay For Clients.
Courtney tells it like it is, giving us all the tough love that we need to start showing up fully, growing a successful business, and living a life we love! She’s not sugarcoating anything, and that’s what people find so valuable, refreshing, and different – i.e. irreplaceable!

Bria Lear
My lovely friend Bria actually JUST launched her new business, Soul Rush, last week. She’s been working behind-the-scenes on her brand for a while now, and I love how it’s come together! Bria got super clear on who she is and how she wants to show up for her clients.
Similar to Chelsey, Bria’s able to connect with her audience through the experiences she’s had as an entrepreneur over the years, as well as her love of all things spiritual! She’s owning the woo and her audience (who loves it!), know that she’s irreplaceable because of all the things that make her so unique and amazing!

Stephanie Reitsma
Stephanie owns Sweetheart Events, a wedding planning company, and she also officiates custom wedding ceremonies! We redid her website earlier this year, to give her a platform to really showcase her irreplaceability (that’s totally a word haha!) to her clients!
She does this by going above and beyond for her clients, and bringing to life a vision they had – taking it to the next level – and making their special day the best day of their lives!

Alyssa Dawson
Alyssa is an incredibly talented brand photographer (she takes all my photos!) who has done an awesome job at connecting with her audience through her infectious personality! Her photos are light, bright, airy, which is exactly what female entrepreneurs like myself are looking for!
Alyssa connects with her audience by simply being herself, and that’s what makes her irreplaceable – people connect with her instantly and know that she’s the one they want to photograph them (versus just any other photographer they might find on Google)! And stay tuned because we’re going to be updating Alyssa’s website sooner rather than later – and I can’t wait! ????

Chelsey Dixon
Chelsey is a body image coach and boudoir photographer, and she makes herself irreplaceable to her clients by connecting with them on the deepest level.
Having gone through a serious eating disorder herself, she’s able to relate to her audience through her vulnerability. Her audience doesn’t feel so alone and therefore trust her to be the one to help them through the challenges they’re facing, and that’s a pretty powerful and special thing.
All of these amazing women are able to make themselves and their brands irreplaceable by knowing exactly who they are. They are true to their personality and show up authentically in their businesses! Their audiences connect with them on the deepest, real level, and that’s step number one in your brand strategy!
Like I said earlier, if you don’t know who you are, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. Get clear on it from the get-go!

If you want some more help on getting clear on your brand strategy, check out my second post of my Building Your Brand series – Establishing a Solid Foundation!
And another fun resource if you’re wanting to dive deeper into brand messaging and writing strategic copy – I just finished reading StoryBrand by Donald Miller. It’s a handy book with exercises at the end of each chapter to get super clear on your brand’s story.
Stay tuned, I’ll be showing up next week exclusively in your inbox with some more branding secrets and insider info! 😉 And on October 15th I’ll be back on the blog talking all about your audience – with an AWESOME new freebie that you do not want to miss!
Tell me in the comments below, how are you going to make yourself irreplaceable?!
Chat soon!
Ready to get started?!
Download your free, nine-page Branding Blueprint!