Now booking for February – book a call today and let's chat! 🤩

Now booking for February –
book a call today and let's chat! 🤩



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My 2017 Goals and Resolutions

Happy New Year!! I don’t know about you, but I’m very excited for 2017! I just have a good feeling about this year 🙂 My blog is up and running, my business is doing well, and 17 is my lucky number – which is just the cherry on top! After sharing my tips for goal […]

Goal Setting: New Year’s Resolutions

And just like that, the year 2016 has come to an end – crazy huh?! I always love the start of a new year though, it’s a chance to hit restart, assess where you’re at, but also look at what you want to achieve in the upcoming year! It’s the perfect time to sit down […]