Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019

Inspirational Books to Kick off 2019

Business, Life, Lifestyle

Just like that, another year has come and gone! I can’t believe that this is my third “Inspirational Books” series, I started back in 2017! All those books in my previous roundups are still sitting on my bookshelf, and I love them all! So if you’re curious, here are my 2018 Inspirational Books and 2017 Inspirational Books.

I read a few fantastic books this year, both in the genres of personal development, as well as some fun chick-lit books (scroll to the bottom for those!). I’ve gotten into the habit of reading for about 30 minutes before bed, and it’s the perfect way to unwind at the end of the day. If you’re struggling finding the time to read, I highly recommend making the time before bed! When I was cultivating the habit, my goal was just to “read before bed”. So it didn’t matter if it was one page or a hundred, I just had to open my book 🙂

Anyways, here are my top picks that I read in 2018, to kick off your 2019! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

Present Over Perfect – Shauna Niequist

This was by far, my favourite book of 2018! I read this just as summer was starting, after a season of stress and craziness in my life. Every page of this book was so incredible and hit home for me. I’d be reading pages and it felt like Shauna was speaking to the deepest parts of my soul! So if you’re a type-A perfectionist, always going at top speed, endless to-do lists – this book is for you! I can’t recommend it enough!!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

You Are a Badass Every Day – Jen Sincero

This book is filled with small tidbits you can do every day, which is such a fun approach! There are so many action steps that you can take to improve your life. Like Jen says, “How to keep your motivation strong, your vibe high, and your quest for transformation unstoppable”. Love that! I also LOVE her other badass books – “You Are a Badass” and “You Are a Badass at Making Money”. So needless to say, I was super excited to get my hands on this and devoured it in a few days. All of Jen’s books are amazing!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k – Mark Manson

I was a little apprehensive about this one just because of the title and what I’d heard about it, but I’m so glad I read it. As someone who has a tendency to overthink and worry excessively over most things, I knew this would be a good read. Before I read the book, I was worried that it would be about not giving a f*ck about anything (which I wasn’t stoked about). But Mark’s approach is that you should give a f*ck about what matters and is important do you! Don’t waste your valuable energy on things that don’t deserve it! Definitely worth a read!

Chasing Slow – Erin Loechner

I read this one right after Present Over Perfect (I was looking to slow down in my life), and I really enjoyed this too! You follow Erin’s story in her own life, learning how she approached living slowly. It’s also a beautiful book, inside and out, which I love! This one is currently lent out to a friend, which is why I don’t have a photo of it – it’s just that good!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

Fire Starter Sessions – Danielle LaPorte

This is such an awesome workbook-style book from the wonderful Danielle LaPorte! You read a chapter and at the end of each chapter there’s a small exercise for you to do – they are all so valuable. I love how the reading and exercise parts of the book are integrated so well together. It’s a great book to read at the start of a year as you’re planning for the year ahead! Her other book, Desire Map, is another great one!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

Judgement Detox – Gabrielle Bernstein

Full disclosure, I haven’t finished this book yet, I only got about a third of the way through. I’m including it here though because I truly love everything Gabrielle writes. I just don’t think I was in the right headspace to read this book when I started it. I was getting to my limit of personal development books. It has a ton of great insight and value in it, but you have to be in the right mindset and open to receiving the teachings. It’s back on my bookshelf and I will get back to it one day for sure! I’m beyond excited though for the book she’s currently writing, “Super Attractor”, to come out. But unfortunately, we’re still a little ways away from that! I write about a few of Gaby’s other books in my 2018 inspirational books round-up if you’re interested!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

Becoming – Michelle Obama

I’m currently reading this gem and I can’t put it down. Every night before bed I get lost in the pages and I’m basically falling asleep before I force myself to close the book, only because I want to be able to enjoy it and take it in fully. Michelle is incredibly inspiring, and I find myself connecting to her words on another level because my personality type is so similar to hers. It’s really interesting reading from her perspective, looking back on her life at these different stages of her life, and I feel like I’m learning so many lessons from her book! It’s a popular one right now too, everyone is reading it, and you should too!

Inspirational Books to Kick Off 2019 - Danielle Connor

The Myth of the Nice Girl – Fran Hauser

I haven’t actually started reading this one yet, I bought it a few months ago and it’s been sitting on my bookshelf ready and waiting. I wanted to include it though because I love the premise of it and it rings so true for me. I’ve always been the nice girl, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, so I’m excited to dive into this book! I’ve also heard great things from others who have read it!

Happy Reading!

If you’re feeling like I was last summer, you’re going to add the above to your future reading list, and then dive into a more lighthearted read. If that’s you, I absolutely adored Sophie Kinsella’s fiction books (the ones I read were: Surprise Me, My Not So Perfect Life, I’ve Got Your Number, The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep a Secret?, Remember Me?). They were all so fun and easy reads! I love a hilarious romantic-comedy book where you get swept up in the story!

Let me know, are there any books on your nightstand or reading list right now that you’d recommend?! 🙂

